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Fall 2021 Leadership Development Seminar
October 3, 2021
Location Not Available
 Sunday, October 3, 2021 - in Conjunction with the Fall 2021 Forum in Kansas City, Missouri.

PaulSeanHill - 300

Leadership from the Mission Control Room to the Boardroom

Paul Sean Hill
25 Year Veteran of NASA’s Iconic Mission Control

After more than fifty years, flying people into space atop millions of pounds of fire is still a tough and scary business. The key to NASA’s Mission Control legacy of brilliant performance is a particular brand of leadership at all levels.

This workshop will cover the detailed characteristics that are linked to strong technical performance during the scarier moments of human spaceflight. More importantly, you will learn their direct connection to performance, leadership development, management practices, and strategic change in any business.

Sponsorship opportunity available. Contact Kristen Stewart at kristen.stewart@iamc.org

Please Note: This session requires separate, advanced registration.  For assistance, contact Marlene Fish at marlene.fish@iamc.org.