IAMC Live Event & COVID-19 Policy
The health and safety of our members, attendees and staff is of the utmost importance. As a reflection of our commitment, both the host venues and IAMC are implementing a variety of safety measures and protocols to ensure a safe and enjoyable live event experience.
These guidelines are subject to change. Where applicable, IAMC will issue supplemental policies and guidelines reflecting venue specific rules, and state and local requirements.
- In advance of any IAMC event, all registrants will be:
- Provided with IAMC guidelines, policies and protocols.
- Expected to read and comply with all IAMC guidelines, policies, and protocols.
- Required to sign a waiver that also acknowledges a commitment to not attend any in-person IAMC events if they experience any COVID-indicative symptoms at any time within 5 days before or during the event.
- For the health and safety of other attendees, regardless of vaccination status, registrants should cancel their registration and not attend the event if they experience any COVID-indicative symptoms at any time within 5 days before the event.
- Registrants who are not fully vaccinated and who have tested positive within 48-72 hours of an event should cancel their registration and not attend the event even if they are not currently experiencing symptoms.
- All attendees are encouraged to:
- Be fully vaccinated before the event start OR
- Receive a negative COVID test 48-72 hours before the event AND
- Wear a properly fitting mask at indoor offerings. Masks must cover both the mouth and nose.
During the Event
- Adherence to event guidelines in place at the time of event is required. Attendees who fail to follow the guidelines will be asked to leave or be removed from the event premises and will be required to surrender their event badge.
- To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, attendees should engage in everyday preventative measures such as:
- Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after nose blowing, coughing, or sneezing.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Attendees will be provided and are encouraged to use the following supplies: soap, hand sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent alcohol, tissues, disinfectant wipes, no-touch trash cans and disposable face masks.
- Unvaccinated attendees must wear a mask indoors except when eating or drinking.
- Regardless of vaccination status, attendees should self-assess each day and should not attend any in-person IAMC events if they experience any COVID-indicative symptoms.
In accordance with CDC Guidelines:
- Individuals who are exposed to COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated (and not experience symptoms) should be tested three to five days after exposure, and to wear a mask in public indoor settings for 10 days or until they receive a negative COVID test result.
- Individuals who are exposed but have either received a booster shot or have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the past 90 days (a positive viral test) and test negative do not have to quarantine if they wear a mask in all settings for 10 days.
- Individuals who are exposed to COVID-19 and are unvaccinated should quarantine for 5 days after confirmed exposure and wear a mask in all settings for 10 days.
Any attendee who tests positive during an IAMC event, or within 2 weeks after an IAMC event must:
- Follow CDC guidelines regarding isolation, quarantine, testing, and masking.
- Contact the event organizer confirming positive test result and providing a list of event(s) – workshops, receptions, etc. – they attended, and anyone they may have been in close contact (indoors within 6ft for 15+ minutes).
Once notified of an attendee who either tests positive during an IAMC event, or within 2 weeks after an IAMC event, IAMC will contact attendees informing them of a possible exposure.
- IAMC will not provide the name of the attendee who tests positive.
- IAMC will inform attendees that someone who attended XYZ event(s) tested positive for COVID-19.
- All known close contacts will be notified privately.
IAMC is not responsible, nor are we able to, require masks or vaccination for the other spaces or areas where the event is being held.