Membership Dues by Category

IAMC members fall into two major categories: Corporate End User and Economic Developer/Service Provider. IAMC also offers Retired and Academic membership.

Corporate End Users

Corporate end user membership is defined as industrial real estate management professionals who are primarily engaged in the product supply chain.
  • Individual Membership - $875
IAMC offers discounts for new members. For more information, contact Michele Miller at 1.770.325.3420.


Economic Developers and Service Providers

  • Company Membership - $1750

Retired Membership

  • Individual Membership - $25

Academic Membership

  • Individual Membership for Professors - $100
  • Individual Membership for Students - $100

Questions? Contact Michele Miller at 1.770.325.3420.

Special Offers for CREs

IAMC has special pricing
both for new members and
multiple members from the
same company.

For more information, contact
Michele Miller at

Why Join IAMC?