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2024 IAMC International Birmingham, UK
March 13 - 14, 2024
The Grand Hotel Birmingham
Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2BS


Wednesday, 13 March 2024 

2:00 PM   Tour: DC1 Prologis Bromford Gate
7:00 PM             Dinner at Fazenda Rodizio Bar & Grill Birmingham                                            

Thursday, 14 March 2024 

8:30 AM            Arrival Tea & Coffee 
9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks 
9:15 AM City Logistics - A Research Report on EMEA Urban Logistics
10:15 AM Networking Break
10:30 AM Delivering Corporate Occupier ESG Targets within Your Real
    Estate Portfolio
11:30 AM Sustainability Efforts at Prologis UK
12:30 PM Open Discussion and Closing Remarks 
1:00 PM Networking Lunch

Programme Overview

Tour: DC1 Prologis Bromford Gate
DC1 Prologis Bromford Gate – this building became vacant recently, having previously been occupied by Bromford Industries since 1999, manufacturers of titanium jet engine blades for Rolls Royce Aircraft. The building has been fully refurbished to Prologis standards – resulting in a building that is as sustainable as if it were newly built.


Dinner at Fazenda Rodizio Bar & Grill Birmingham

Welcome and Opening Remarks
J. Tate Godfrey, President & CEO, IAMC

City Logistics – A Research Report on EMEA Urban Logistics Markets
Cushman & Wakefield's latest research report delves into the evolving landscape of city logistics across the EMEA region. This comprehensive report provides valuable insights for businesses navigating the complexities of last-mile delivery in an increasingly urbanised world. Hear from Gordon Reynolds, International Partner who will guide us through the key drivers of change – e-commerce boom; shifting consumer expectations; and urbanisation trends – to navigate the complexities for success.
Gordon Reynolds, International Partner, Cushman & Wakefield

Delivering Corporate Occupier ESG targets within your Real Estate Portfolio
Today's businesses are increasingly focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. These goals encompass sustainability initiatives, social responsibility, and ethical practices. Sarah Dillon-Leetch is ESG Associate Director at CBRE and helps clients align their real estate portfolio with their organisation’s corporate ESG goals, creating a positive impact and unlocking strategic value. Benefits include: reducing environmental footprint; attracting and retaining top talent; enhancing brand reputation; and reducing costs and risks!
Sarah Dillon-Leetch, ESG Associate Director, CBRE

Sustainability Efforts at Prologis UK
Prologis, one of the world’s leading industrial real estate developers, is taking a proactive approach to sustainable development.  This session will delve into their strategies with Martin Cooper, Vice President on the Project Management team. With extensive experience in integrating sustainability into large-scale developments, Martin is a valuable resource for understanding Prologis' commitment to environmental responsibility and its ongoing journey towards their ambitious goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.
Martin Cooper, Vice President, Development Management and Sustainability Lead, Prologis UK




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