
Get Started Today!

Fill out the application here or contact Mark Nortman at mark.nortman@iamc.org.

What is the IAMC Partnership Program?

IAMC's Partnership Program is designed to be a peer-to-peer mentorship program without the Senior to Junior relationship of a traditional mentorship program. Once a month in between Forums, Peers will speak about a topic relevant to the individual pair.


Create an opportunity for pairs of IAMC members to regularly speak in-between forums in order to build a new relationship and improve one another’s business expertise(s). Take a moment once a month to focus on the “Important” instead of the “Urgent” for the betterment of career and personal development. Share knowledge and sharpen an area of weakness, or further improve an area of strength, with another experienced professional at IAMC.


IAMC has designed a formal program with unlimited freedom for each pair to develop a mutually beneficial peer to peer networking program. Be paired with a fellow IAMC Member who has the skill sets or experience on which one is looking to improve. Each pair will be responsible for selecting and identifying content for discussion as well as mutually agreeing on time and format of calls. Participants have benefited from:

  • Developing a trusted confidant within IAMC
  • Having an independent sounding board outside of one’s organization
  • Developing a new expertise by learning from an experienced Peer at IAMC
  • Forcing oneself to step back from the daily grind for one hour a month to speak with a Peer for self-betterment and/or assist someone with the betterment of his/her career
  • Learning about opportunities and developments in the economy which is outside one’s core specialization

Get Involved

Interested in joining the IAMC Partnership Program? Fill out the application here or contact Mark Nortman at mark.nortman@iamc.org.