
President’s Foreword – IAMC Membership & Culture

By J. Tate Godfrey, CEcD, President & CEO

Rya Hazelwood 0 146 Article rating: No rating

To quote former IAMC Chair Kevin Dollhopf, formerly with Hanesbrands and now with Hickey and Associates, “...there is no issue within IAMC that can’t be improved by adding more Corporate Members.”  That is why IAMC exists and, with monitored emphasis on retention and recruitment, that is why IAMC will continue to flourish.

Miles to Go on the Road to True Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

By John Salustri

Rya Hazelwood 0 143 Article rating: 5.0

There’s good news and bad news to be had in the subject of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). First, the bad news. The commercial real estate industry still has a long way to go. The good news is that years of progress have all-but vanquished the Good Old Boys Network.

“We’ve made great strides,” says Marcus Rose, senior real estate manager for NFI in Camden, NJ. “We can see efforts across all the disciplines, as well as in leadership. Of course, there’s always room for improvement.”

Indeed. But real estate isn’t alone.

A Focused Future with the Fall Forum Keynote Line-Up

By Rya Hazelwood, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing

Rya Hazelwood 0 101 Article rating: No rating

AI, ESG, facility design and location … the future of industrial real estate has never been more exciting. Join IAMC this September 9-13 in Boise, Idaho – for the Fall Forum themed Industrial Real Estate: A Focused Future – to share your insights and glean cutting edge trends and best practices from fellow leaders in corporate real estate.

While topical workshops will dive into the details, keynote speakers will tie it all together inspiring and informing with big pictures views:

IAMC Member Spotlight

Rya Hazelwood 0 132 Article rating: No rating

As an organization, IAMC fosters relationships that turn into both business partnerships and long-term friendships. The path to corporate real estate varies widely, and our members come from a variety of professional and personal backgrounds.

We thank Jane Leedham, estates director for GKN Aerospace, for sharing hers!

Knowledge at Your Fingertips

By Mark Nortman, Director of Member Engagement

Rya Hazelwood 0 93 Article rating: No rating

Professional development and knowledge sharing opportunities are two of IAMC’s key offerings. You are most likely very familiar with IAMC events, from Forums to Locals and Internationals to Webinars.  But, are you familiar with the professional development resources available to you 24/7 through IAMC Cornerstone?
