“The events of 1987 were over in a matter of minutes. But it took us years to recover. That sort of impact is something companies can easily underestimate.”
The speaker is Brett Manning, senior VP of Global Corporate Services for Silent-Aire in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The “events” he refers to were actually a single F4 tornado that ripped through Edmonton, packing top winds of 260 mph. Included in the estimated US$647 million in damages was the Silent-Aire global headquarters. “It wiped out the facility.” July 31 is still referred to as Black Friday by the Edmonton community.
But Manning is a big believer in lessons learned, and as the provider of hyperscale cooling and modular data centers mounted a global growth initiative, leadership baked into those plans an increasingly robust disaster preparedness and recovery program. “The tornado shaped and molded how we guide our operations,” he states. “We know now what starting over is like.”